In 2022, we turned our attention to the Woodland Garden re-imagining it as a destination rather than a passage. The addition of mid-story and ground plane plants will redefine the scale of the garden to make it more intimate.
The Jim & Elizabeth Fisher Gathering Place and the Becky Smith periwinkle “River of Blue” have been completed.
When the Arboretum was under development (2002 – 2012), the Woodland Garden was envisioned as an existing woodland to pass through to other places within the Arboretum. It’s quiet character was it’s identity.

New pathways traverse the woodland to create more garden places…

Currently under construction
The Arbore Entry Trellis which will provide an inviting main entrance to the Woodland Garden from Joyce’s Meadow.
We kindly invite you to consider making a
to support the Woodland Garden.
- Preservation
- Restoration
- Enhancement
- Maintenance

Our mission is to promote the preservation, restoration, enhancement and maintenance of the special character of the historic Village of Pinehurst.